

    Before you go all big on Valentines: Here’s what you need to know about your partner

    Cupid strikes again on 14th. Love is all over, scenting the air with expectations mingled with anxiety for some. This is the day that lovers show their mettle. Where everyone is grappling to get a piece of the pie. But what about those lovers who are clueless on how to jump into the bandwagon or for those whose gestures have…

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    Her Secret – Part 5,6,7 & 8

    NOTE: This is a continuation of the story Her Secrets, Part 1,2,3, and 4. If you didn’t read it, you might have to read it before continuing with this one. Part 5 She got into the house around 9.30 pm. She had gone to buy foodstuff with some of the money. There hadn’t been any food to eat the next day.…

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    That Kind of Wrong that Feels Right.

    “I love you. I want you. Just this once”, he whispers in your ears in the dark interior of his splash car. Just like the devil, he tempts you. His hands, caressingly play along your spine moulding you to his pot-bellied stomach. His sweaty palms hitch beneath your skirt with intent. His potent gaze, on your eyes, as he lowers…

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