Month: July 2017


    The perfect jobs for travel enthusiasts

    Is travel your everyday dose? Then, you must know that some jobs have a restricting nature that would restrain you from actively living that vacation dream life. Yet, there are others that will allow you to explore the world while working unrestricted by the office walls eight hours a day. Jumia Travel highlights 5 jobs that are perfect for travel…

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  • Uncategorized

    Classic rap albums of the last decade.

    1.ThE EMINEM SHOW By 2002, Eminem was a full-blown superstar. Although he became a part of pop culture’s psyche, he remained as insular as ever on this album, dealing with familiar issues; fame, family, and race. While his first two albums focused on turning the mirror on America-which he did, admittedly, do here with an inescapable post-9/11 outlook-this was in…

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    What Marriage Should Mean to You

    When I think of marriage what comes to my mind is: vow, sanctity and eternity. I believe in a marriage that a vow means a promise. Sanctity stands for holy and God is a major player. And eternity, a representation of standing by my spouse no matter the huddles or tempest that may cometh our way. In our generation, I…

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  • Politics

    Guest Post: Purpose Driven Voter

    By Sammy Tema, The handwriting is on the wall. The Fat Lady is singing. It is all over. Finished! Victory belongs to either Jubilee or NASA come August 8th 2017. The fact that the presidential general election is a two horse race, does that automatically mean, however, that every vote cast for one of the two horse candidates is totally…

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