Sam Odhiambo: An ultimate guide for purchasing the right washing machine

In Kenya we have always been reliant on the cleaning ladies that we like to call “mama fuas” and our house managers or house helps to do our laundry. Many times we have woken up to a text or call where your cleaning lady announces that she will not make it, or your house help quits on you unexpectedly, leaving you with a pile of dirty laundry. Dirty laundry should no longer be an issue that you have to deal with in the middle of a global health pandemic. Get yourself a washing machine and move on to more important issues.

When you finally decide to get yourself a washing machine or upgrade what you currently have, what should you look out for?

Please continue reading this article for the ultimate guide to buying a washing machine in 2021.

Here are some of the factors that one should consider when investing in a washing machine:

1.     The size: This is dependent on the space you have available. Washing machines with a front loader tend to take up more space than those with a top loader.

2.     Pricing: Samsung has a wide range of washing machines fit for everyone’s budget.

3.     Capacity: The capacity, measured in Kgs, is the amount of clothes a washing machine can hold. This is mainly influenced by the size of your family, and how often you do your laundry. For example a family of up to 2 members would require a washing machine that holds up to 6kg of clothes while a family of more than 5 members would comfortably use a washer that holds up to 9kg of clothes.

4.     Functionality: A washing machine can either be semi-automatic or fully automatic. For a semi-automatic washing machine, some of the functions such as drying are not automated, while a fully automatic washing machine does everything for you at the press of a button. They both get the job done. At the end of the day, it is all a matter of one’s needs and budget.

5.     Auto detergent dispenser: Some washing machines have an auto detergent dispenser department, which regulates the amount of detergent suitable for your wash. Instead of adding the detergent manually, this function helps save on the amount of detergent used.

6.     Child lock feature: For those with small kids at home, washing machines with a child lock would be essential. Samsung washing machines have this function thus keeping your loved ones always protected.

7.     Smart feature: There are washing machines that enable you to control them using an app available on your smartphones without having to constantly walk in and out of your laundry area. The app allows you to remotely control the wash cycles, alerts you on the status of your wash and even make any changes while carrying out other tasks, best example being Samsung Smart washing machine, which has Samsung Smart Control app called “SmartThings” compatible with the Smart Control button on the washer.

8.     Drying feature: A washing machine with a dryer can come in handy especially if you live in cold areas, do not have enough space to dry out your clothes or have a busy schedule that does not allow you to hang your clothes out to dry. Such washing machines enable you to save on costs that you would have incurred on purchasing a dryer separately from the washer as well as the space that the dryer would have occupied separately.

Among the many household appliances that are slowly becoming part of our homes, the washing machines is essential. The above pointers will definitely give you a head start on what to consider when making the decision to purchase a Washing Machine.

Sam Odhiambo is the Head of Consumer Electronics Division at Samsung Electronics East Africa.

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