
Nature trails you should visit in Nairobi 2017

By Brenda Kimuyu
Are you a nature lover? Does nature get to you in a certain way? If so, here are some of the a must visit nature trails paths to visit in 2017!
I am a fun of nature big time. There is something so beautiful and captivating about it. In nature, one can simply experience the wonder, beauty in its simplest form and get lost in it. The trees, the winding paths, sun dappling through the trees, birds chirping and calling out, monkeys frolicking about, the picnic sites, the sounds of people’s raucous laughter, a barely one-year-old baby trying to walk or a group of teenagers goofing around can be amazing to just experience. Or just reflect deep down in the winding trails.
Kenya has amazing nature trails that are a must for any nature lover. They are accessible easily and have the most scenic and picturesque views ever. Some of these nature trails that top the list are:
1. Oloolua Nature trail
The nature trail is situated in the affluent suburban of Karen. It is found in the Institute of Primate Research (IPR) .Oloolua is perfect for a family outing, jogging, picnics, hiking. And it also offers an amazing waterfall experience with a turn on its 33m long cave and picturesque papyrus swamp
2. Arboretum Park
The Nairobi Arboretum Park is located along state house road in the area of Kilimani with a walking distance of 3km from the CBD
This park is well recognized for its indigenous and exotic 350 species of plants. It also homes over 100 bird’s species and Sykes and Vervet species of monkeys.
The indigenous trees with their canopied background offer shady nature trails in between the trees. Arboretum also boasts a picnic site with benches and well-carpeted grass. This nature trail is recommended to people who want to just have a nice picnic, take hiatus to reflect or jog away life in the midst of nature.
3. Karura Forest
Being an urban forest with an area of 1 063.0 ha, Karura Forest is located north of Central Nairobi and is bordered by the suburbs of Muthaiga, Gigiri, Runda, Ridgeways, Mathare North, Peponi and New Muthaiga.
Karura forest is especially great for bike hikers, joggers, and trail lovers. Its unwinding paths offer lots of opportunities to see monkeys and birds. Its best feature are, the waterfall, patches of bamboo and marshlands that attract bird life including winter migrants from Europe and Asia. It is home to serene groves of secondary and primary indigenous trees.
4. Nairobi Safari Walk
Nairobi safari walk is adjacent to the Nairobi National Park. It is a showcase of Kenya’s Parks and Reserves. It gives a glimpse to visitors on what to expect to see on their tour around the country.
It is also a recreational facility that facilitates learning of Kenya’s plant and the different kind of animals found in Kenya. It depicts wetlands, forests, and savannas to reflect the wild habitats these animals flourish in.
There is nothing beautiful or comparable to nature. Sometimes they say if you doubt God’s existence you should look at it. If you want to be part of nature, you have to immerse yourself in it. Not only that, it requires you opening your soul to its wonder to experience its full effect.

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