[Game Spot] Detroit: Become human review

There has never been a better time to be a Gamer than now. The pandemic that is Covid-19 has ravaged the world forcing us to alter how normal tasks are performed. This has seen a lot of folks work from the comfort of their homes as they try to adhere to health guidelines on staying home and reducing risk of transmission through unnecessary contact.

For gamers, this has presented them with the opportunity to catch up on some of the best video game titles in a bid to curb boredom during the lockdown. 

With the next gen console, Playstation 5,  about to hit the shelves later this year, here at  Game spot we will give you weekly suggestions on some of the best titles you can play on the Playstation 4. 

This week, we explore Detroit: Become human , a frighteningly realistic game based on how robots are becoming uncanningly realistic. 

Detroit: Become human. (Editors pick) 

(Image credit: Quantic Dream)

Are you looking for a game that lets you feel fully in control?  Full of adventure,emotional turmoil, suspense and adrenaline moments? Then Quantic dream’s  Detroit: become human is your sure bet. However, you need to understand that this isn’t your usual God of war hack and slash genre. It’s an interactive adventure video game where the player asserts  control by making decisions that affect the video game characters. The game is set in a futuristic Detroit in 2038  where robots ( Called androids in the game) live side by side with humans.

Players assume control of 3 androids Kara, Connor and Markus who  have different storylines that overlap. The theme for the story is easily Android empowerment against their masters ( Humans). The game’s story is simply one of the most intriguing tales written for a video game and rivals many movie scripts. Trust us, if you are one for stories, you will be hard tasked to  believe you are playing a video game. 

The control outputs are pretty much easy, it involves moving the analogue in different directions as per on screen prompts. The fight scenes in the games aren’t where you mush a combination of buttons, rather this is achieved by quickly pressing the contextual button on screen corresponding to the action shown. 

(Image credit: Quantic Dream)

The graphics in the game are crisp, beautiful and  breathtaking. It’s simply phenomenal, perhaps a testament of its mega budget .  Each decision a player makes affects the whole game, it could lead to a death of a character  or  a catastrophic event that is irreversible. This essentially means that every decision leads to a different story path with Metacritic claiming it has 40 possible different endings based on one’s decisions.  The way the experience is built, your decisions and actions in the game act to haunt you if the character feels they made a wrong choice, so choose wisely!  This 2018 title is roughly about 10 hours long depending on gameplay style. 

If you have never played a game of this genre ( think heavy rain ) this would be a good place to start. It’s one game that fully utilizes the power of the often under used Playstation 4 pad with gamers having to physically move the pad in  rhythmic patterns to achieve certain actions. The game touches on several societal topics like the evil of mankind, civil rights etc  but this doesn’t make it deep, because on the flip side the story has a lot of contradictions. 

Does this sound like your type of game? Then grab your pad/sit, pour a finger and let’s play Detroit: become human..shall we? 

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