Sports & Entertainment

BetKing Kenya Backs Grassroot Sports and Community Development in a five-year deal

Pan African Group and Kenya’s fastest-growing Sports betting & Gaming company, BetKing Kenya has announced a landmark 5-year partnership to develop sports and communities from the grassroots level. This follows the 5-year title sponsorship agreement with Football Kenya Federation (FKF) worth KES 1.2 billion that also marks the first time that FKF Division One Football league is receiving any form of sponsorship of this magnitude.

Through its ‘Back your Game’ philosophy, BetKing Kenya also announced its commitment to being ‘King Makers’ from the grassroots by backing the entire sports ecosystem especially for community clubs that are not in the premier league.  BetKing will support these clubs with the necessary funding for their operations and help them contribute to the positive impact of their surrounding communities. The support will also help to minimize the extra burden that sports men and women have had to endure following the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic that impacted sports development across the globe.

According to Henry Okatch, BetKing Kenya’s spokesperson, BetKing is committed to bringing long term sustainable impact to football clubs and the ecosystem they operate in, especially at the grassroot level where little or no attention has been given over the past few years.

“Football and sports in Kenya has been an important tool for community empowerment, and this is why we are backing our game with a 5-year partnership with FKF to ensure that the ecosystem that clubs operate in is conducive for their growth and development. It is vital that football clubs have appropriate facilities and equipment that will enable them to thrive and that their local communities also benefit through programs and own initiatives that build resilience and transformation, “says Henry Okatch, BetKing Kenya’s spokesperson.

Nick Mwendwa FKF president, says “We believe this deal, which further underpins BetKing’s commercial development role in football both at the national and grassroots level will not only help ease our clubs financial obligations but also pay a pivotal role in raising the level of competition in the league. This sponsorship is critical and aligns closely with the FKF strategy of partnering with local organisations and investors to grow our sports fraternity. We would like to thank BetKing Kenya for their long-term commitment to supporting Football in Kenya.”

According to Buruburu Sports Chairman Patrick Orwako the 5 year partnership deal is godsend as it will help clubs in the league lower Division one league honour matches.

“For grassroots clubs this is godsend opportunity because it is the first time that division one clubs and even other grassroot clubs are getting sponsorship that will ease their obligation to play matches This deal will go a long way in easing transport and accommodation costs especially for away matches,” Orwako said.

BetKing Kenya remains committed to backing sports beyond the game and working closely to shift Kenya’s social-economic status with sports sponsorship being a catalyst for this. The firm hopes to inspire and empower the next generation of athletes by providing them with the necessary infrastructure and support to back their game.

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