Year: 2017


    Capitalizing on the health-conscious traveler

    By Josephine Wawira, Jumia Travel The year is ending on a high note, with most people checking off their lists for the achieved and not so well-done objectives set in January. On top of a majority’s list is in aspects of lifestyle, from eating healthy to staying fit. This is where the health and wellness tourism come in, a market…

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    Her Secret – Part 5,6,7 & 8

    NOTE: This is a continuation of the story Her Secrets, Part 1,2,3, and 4. If you didn’t read it, you might have to read it before continuing with this one. Part 5 She got into the house around 9.30 pm. She had gone to buy foodstuff with some of the money. There hadn’t been any food to eat the next day.…

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    Keep yourself busy with this top 10 TV Series during this November 28th holiday

    Chances are, tomorrow every local Tv station will be laden with Politics.  If you are looking for something to kill the day with, here are a few top Tv show/series recommendations that will hopefully keep boredom at bay and will have you glued on the edge of your seat. Now here is the disclaimer, this is a cut from my…

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    5 Kenyan Technology Blogs you should subscribe to right now

    Everyone today is a reporter and content creator or developer. Blogs, blogging, and bloggers have quickly become what an article on Business Insider is describing as a ‘’must’ new media activity for any professional or even company that wants to establish its credibility or brand leadership in their industry. Blogs are definitely an effective mode of interacting with your audience;…

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    Inglorious Rascals

    If life was a bottle of champagne, I would order mine straight up. I am not saying this because I believe I have had quite the cheesiest life out here, not at all. I am stating this because I choose to look beyond what we deem as norms. I see the smile even before it happens, I am not God..that…

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    Her Secret – Part 1,2,4 & 4

    Part 1 The call came in at 10 am. She had missed it. It was him. She debated on what to do. “Don’t call or text him. You promised you won’t!” Her conscious reminded her viciously. “But-“ “No buts,” it interrupted incisively, “You know what that jerk ass wants. I am so tired of how sorry you feel for yourself…

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    We Should All Be Feminists

    Chimamanda Adichie, a Nigerian writer in a modified version of a  talk delivered on December 12 on TEDxEuston, a yearly conference focused on Africa with the sole purpose of challenging and inspiring Africans and friends of Africa, argued well on why we should all be feminists. Being a feminist is not about being a female or male. It’s not about…

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    Monday Blues! Mixing Business With Pleasure? Consider this Five Tips

    In what the uptown folks now refer to as bleisure, business travelers are increasingly getting more creative with their holidays; it’s now a trend to tack in a few days into the work calendar, leaving room to explore new destinations and sample experiences while accomplishing and keeping with corporate targets. From the last Jumia Travel hospitality report (2016) the number…

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    When The Itch Needs Scratching

    There days when not getting some good old loving for a single feels like being starved. The hunger does not go. It persists. When one is deprived of sex for long, the need is a keen to a man starving for food. The thought of wanting to get laid persists like a migraine. Everything reminds or makes them think of…

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    Marriage Is Not for Everyone: Not everyone wants to get married

    Marriage seems like an awesome thing. You know two people entangled up till death do them part, actually sounds cozy. Even beautiful. The kids, the big dinners, the laughter sure sounds utopian. Having your own teddy in form of your wify or hubby truly sounds incredible. But I am the school of thought that, not everyone craves that. You see,…

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    I Live in a neighborhood where people come out in the evening to walk their dogs, because these dogs speak (I think) they need to walk with their owners in the evening and have a talk about the last T bone their master served them for supper or the oatmeal they were dished for breakfast that didn’t have enough milk….folks…

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    Shades Of A Woman

    She looks at her shades each and every day She acknowledges she is neither black nor white but has polka dots of greys in between with different shades of colors; almost like in the rainbow They make her vibrant, stand out, different even beautiful She isn’t a book judged by the cover but she is pages after pages of a…

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    To the woman who takes it all from a man, I salute you. I salute you for turning a blind eye when he cheats. I salute you for taking all the beatings and still say I love you with a straight face. I salute you for always covering up all his faults by making excuses for him. You know when…

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    Exploring Kenya’s Mara through the eyes of a hotelier

    Kenya boasts of diverse destinations that remain major attractions for tourists from across the world. From the classic wildlife safaris to the sandy beaches at the coast and metropolis cities full of vibrant life, this East African country has a full bucket list of marvels to explore. As part of its “Destination Campaign” aimed at accentuating Africa’s tourist destinations, Jumia…

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    That Kind of Wrong that Feels Right.

    “I love you. I want you. Just this once”, he whispers in your ears in the dark interior of his splash car. Just like the devil, he tempts you. His hands, caressingly play along your spine moulding you to his pot-bellied stomach. His sweaty palms hitch beneath your skirt with intent. His potent gaze, on your eyes, as he lowers…

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    Random Rantings :)

    The first date I ever went to was at Sizzling Grill. You might agree with me there is nothing romantic about that dungeon but isn’t it near Sabina Joy? I’m stretching it a bit. I was cray cray about light skin chics then and fresh from high school. I was green about this dating business and went for this date…

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    The Out Of Time Man

    The wind blows in a ghastly manner, its a dark, cold night and I hug my Trench coat tightly as I stare into a dimly lit spot fixed directly below me from the rooftop. The lighting is nothing to write home about, but one can see, even if silhouette, creepy figures of two men in a brawl. I move a…

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    The perfect jobs for travel enthusiasts

    Is travel your everyday dose? Then, you must know that some jobs have a restricting nature that would restrain you from actively living that vacation dream life. Yet, there are others that will allow you to explore the world while working unrestricted by the office walls eight hours a day. Jumia Travel highlights 5 jobs that are perfect for travel…

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    Classic rap albums of the last decade.

    1.ThE EMINEM SHOW By 2002, Eminem was a full-blown superstar. Although he became a part of pop culture’s psyche, he remained as insular as ever on this album, dealing with familiar issues; fame, family, and race. While his first two albums focused on turning the mirror on America-which he did, admittedly, do here with an inescapable post-9/11 outlook-this was in…

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    What Marriage Should Mean to You

    When I think of marriage what comes to my mind is: vow, sanctity and eternity. I believe in a marriage that a vow means a promise. Sanctity stands for holy and God is a major player. And eternity, a representation of standing by my spouse no matter the huddles or tempest that may cometh our way. In our generation, I…

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